A step in the right direction
Just read an article about a town in the US that has made smoking illegal in all public places, indoor and outdoor, where anyone may be exposed to second hand smoke.
This is a great idea. Personally, I really don't care if anyone chooses to smoke, it's their life - but just.. don't do it around me! Cigarette smoke is a carcenogen that has already been shown to cause serious illness and even death in second hand smokers. The indoor smoking ban we have in Toronto is a good start, but this doesn't protect us from people smoking right at the door of buildings, or walking down the street, or waiting at a bus stop.
The only thing is, I hope they enforce it well. Without enforcement, this law is meaningless. Take, for example, the no-smoking bylaw at TTC subway stops. This is rarely enforced, the net result being people smoke while waiting for buses with impunity.
This is a great idea. Personally, I really don't care if anyone chooses to smoke, it's their life - but just.. don't do it around me! Cigarette smoke is a carcenogen that has already been shown to cause serious illness and even death in second hand smokers. The indoor smoking ban we have in Toronto is a good start, but this doesn't protect us from people smoking right at the door of buildings, or walking down the street, or waiting at a bus stop.
The only thing is, I hope they enforce it well. Without enforcement, this law is meaningless. Take, for example, the no-smoking bylaw at TTC subway stops. This is rarely enforced, the net result being people smoke while waiting for buses with impunity.
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